9 years ago
Kristina of Cuddle Co. - Episode 22
Cuddling is just one of the many things we forget about over time, and for no good reason. Luckily, the art of closeness and affection (IN A STRICTLY NON-SEXUAL ENVIRONMENT, HANDS OUT OF PANTS EVERYONE) can not only be accessible by all, but with a...

Cuddling is just one of the many things we forget about over time, and for no good reason. Luckily, the art of closeness and affection (IN A STRICTLY NON-SEXUAL ENVIRONMENT, HANDS OUT OF PANTS EVERYONE) can not only be accessible by all, but with a professional who does this job very, very well.
We hope you enjoy the episode, and consider the benefits of cuddling for yourself.
Find out more at http://sexandlifepodcast.com
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